In chapter 5, The optimizing of the tourism spatial configuration in the Pearl River Delta agglomeration.
——期刊摘选Now there are suggestions that the Pearl River Delta is on the cusp of another transformation.
——期刊摘选The cooperation among governments in the Pan - pearl River Delta requires simulation from compensation methods.
互联网HKIA is making transfers to and from the Pearl River Delta easier.
互联网Cities in the Pearl River Delta have been more serious about enforcing the rules.
互联网Products are sold to the Pearl River Delta major printing plant.
互联网Shuttle barge service fm pearl river delta to chiwan, hongkong.
提供往返于珠三角与赤湾, 香港之间的驳船运输服务.
互联网The school is a professional Taichi training centre in the Pearl River Delta area.
互联网Is the Pearl River Delta economic circle in the oasis.
互联网Foshan is an important force in the economic development of the Pearl River Delta.
互联网In recent months, a whirlwind of e - commerce applications are sweeping across the Pearl River Delta.
近几个月来, 一股 电子商务 应用旋风正席卷珠三角.
互联网Which of the following areas are not part of the Pearl River Delta?
互联网From'small pearl river delta " to " pan pearl river delta "
从 “ 小珠 ” 到 “ 泛珠 ” --珠江三角洲区域发展历程回顾及展望.
互联网Ma Plant located in the center of the Pearl River Delta - Panyu, a privately - run enterprises.
放马机械厂位于珠三角地理位置的中心—番禺, 属民营企业.
互联网Two should take the initiative into the Pearl River Delta regional economic integration process.
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